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Training for Amazon Account Management
Getting Started - Rachel Johnson
Getting Started as a Cascadia Team Member
Part 1 of 2 - Teamwork - Basics, Time Tracking (18:01)
Part 2 of 2 - Using Teamwork in Detail (52:52)
Terms & Acronyms
Adding Marketing or Visual Content to Teamwork Projects
Getting Paid as a Contractor (20:58)
Performance Tracking in Traction Tools - QA, Completed Tasks (17:39)
Part 1 of 2 - Logging into Seller Central - QR Code, Teamwork (6:17)
Part 2 of 2 - Logging into Seller Central Accounts IF NO QR CODE (8:28)
Recurring Tasks: Managing Inventory Planning - James Ford-Bey
Instock Planning (55:21)
Removal Orders
Managing Custom Shipping Plans for Clients with Prep Centers (23:08)
Inventory planning, creating a shipping plan, and moving it to a shipment (47:25)
Recurring Tasks: Inventory Expense Management - James Ford-Bey
Reimbursements for Returns (12:39)
FBA Shipment Reimbursements (Coaching call w/Matt Gonnella) (41:05)
Making Grab Bags to use Overstock
Managing Excess Inventory - Drive Traffic or Conversion (22:23)
Investigating High Return Rate Products (49:17)
Recurring Tasks: Advertising Optimization, Promotions, Coupons, and Deals - Autumn Echols
How to Add and Edit Coupons (9:14)
Advertising Optimization - Step 1 (Pausing Poor Bids) (18:31)
Advertising Optimization - Part Two (Proven Ads Coaching w/Matt Gonnella) (45:28)
Reviewing Existing Advertising Results to Build an Ads Plan (30:14)
Recurring Tasks: Catalog Management and Updates - James Ford-Bey
Getting Started in Catalog
Creating and Uploading Flat Files (64:01)
Contacting Seller Support (91:47)
Bulk Uploading Merchant Fulfilled Listings (42:16)
MFN Listings and Identifying Issues, Coaching call w/Matt Gonnella on bulk MFN listing creation
Flat Files Focusing on Variations and Potential Upload Issues (38:47)
Creating Variations Manually (126:50)
Managing Rogue Listings and Merging ASINs (65:56)
Troubleshooting order issues/submitting a support ticket to resolve (17:37)
Troubleshooting/resolving image suppressions (33:02)
Transferring Catalog Content from One Account to Another Account (37:10)
Flat Files - Part 1 (31:24)
Flat Files - Part 2 (31:19)
Virtual Bundle Creation
Recurring Tasks: Pricing and Payments - Rachel Johnson
Updating Prices (14:55)
Creating Automated Pricing Rules (36:13)
Recurring Tasks: Managing Performance and Warnings - Malia Kim
Getting Started in Performance
Callouts SOP for Daily Issues
Salmon Report Phone Call (74:36)
Reinstatement Discussion with Client - Zupnick Phone Call (22:24)
Issues Found in Dailies for Ops Team and Escalations to Consultants (58:14)
Dailies Training - Overview of Issues and Concerns & Dailies QA (80:36)
Managing Metrics Reports when Reviewing a Client Account (SET) (22:37)
SET Training (33:01)
Steps to complete a Safety appeal (34:59)
Content Marketing: Basic Written Content - Bullets, Description, Titles - Erin Zelnio
CSA Training and Q&A (53:37)
Title and Bullet Optimization for Ideal Keywords using Advertising Reports (26:41)
Title and Bullet Optimization using Merchant Words tools (18:43)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on Amazon Listings (38:56)
Writing Content Coaching with The Organic Pharmacy - Rylee (72:49)
Pulling SEO Keywords for written content (32:48)
Content Marketing: Advanced Written Content - A+ and Storefront - Erin Zelnio
Researching and Creating a Customer Avatar (67:59)
Creating A+ Content (27:46)
Storefront Overview and Editing (60:19)
Creating Graphics for A+, Storefront, and Videos (77:44)
Creating a Landing Page in the Storefront Based on Customer Avatars (32:20)
Content Marketing: Visual Content - Photography - David Johnson
Let's Get Started with Visual Content Marketing
Troubleshooting Image Upload Problems (4:26)
Admin team visual content tutorials (43:55)
Visual team adobe program tutorials (221:25)
Visual team studio lighting basics (9:09)
Content Marketing: Visual Content - Videography - David Johnson
Uploading Videos in Seller Central (10:00)
Content Marketing: Community Engagement with Posts - Leo Texeira
Let's Get Started with Community
Day 1-5 Check-in - WELCOME Interns (35:03)
Creating the Amazon POST Account (8:26)
Adding POSTS to Amazon (15:23)
How to add POST Metrics & FB/Instagram Metrics - Running Community Updates (16:14)
Content Marketing: Off-Amazon Social Media - Leo Texeira
Finding good images and getting client approval (pending)
Content Marketing: Off-Amazon Websites - Rachel Johnson
Getting a Website set up - Malco Modes Example (52:11)
Creating and Uploading a Blog Post on Wordpress using Elementor (46:21)
Setting up a Home Page and Customizing a Theme in Shopify (62:00)
Advertising: Launching PPC - Autumn Echols
Let's Get Started on Advertising
An Introduction to what the Advertising Team Does (81:28)
Launching Ads - Step 2 (53:53)
Client call w/Dennis Petkiewicz going over Competitor Focused Advertising
Getting Started with a Client on Advertising (Who Has Already Been Advertising) (104:12)
Advertising: Metrics & Performance Evaluation - Autumn Echols
Tracking Keyword Rankings on Scope (13:30)
Evaluating Advertising Performance from Total Sales - Getting the Total Sales
Creating an Advertising Plan
Client Reports and Rankings in MerchantWords (36:34)
Client & Role Management: Project Management - Rachel Johnson
Using Traction Tools for Clients (12:01)
Finding the Key Performance Indicators on the Client Account (36:22)
Creating the weekly updates (13:34)
KAM Team Meeting: Community, Managing Client Expectations, Working Together (65:11)
Strategic Q Planning (2:26)
Client & Role Management: Career Development - Rachel Johnson
Session 1: Managing Multicultural Teams w/RAJ (72:25)
Session 2: Making Decisions with RAJ (56:51)
KAM Call: Team Introductions and Expectations (42:12)
Client & Role Management: Client Interactions - Rachel Johnson
Meeting discussing Social Media and Account Progress with Doug Short (48:38)
Coaching Call - Kathy Kehoe (Global Expansion) (30:55)
Weekly Meeting During Launch Phase with Organic Pharmacy (60:47)
Weekly Meeting with Unirex - Vancouver Plan (64:51)
Coaching Call - Vivek Sagar (Pesticides, Hazmat, and Marketing Concepts) (45:21)
Coaching Call - Vivek Sagar (Sourcing, Advertising, Marketing) (36:40)
Coaching Call - Vivek Sagar (Taxes, Escalations to ESR) (28:53)
Kickoff Call with In Style Eyes and Rachel (67:13)
Whidbey Kickoff Call - Zeal Naturals (63:41)
Meeting discussing Social Media and Account Progress with Doug Short
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